System shock 2 meet delacroix
System shock 2 meet delacroix

The hair color was actually the product of a medical condition that she refused to talk about.

system shock 2 meet delacroix

The white hair? A leftover from a traumatic incident during her childhood…so she let people believe. Her ethereal appearance? The result of cold “slowing the aging process”, as she often claimed. The truth was actually quite simple-having been born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska, Vivica Frost simply had a tolerance for cold environments that few could appreciate. Frost had been mistakenly identified as a gynoid on several occasions her white hair, almost impossibly-youthful appearance and fondness for cold environments only served to reinforce the illusion. Rounding out the group were Andrew Sharpe (the “public face” of United Robotronics) and Victor’s own business partner, Vivica Frost. On the farthest end of the table from Victor’s seat, a television set had been placed to allow one particular shareholder-also incarcerated-to “attend” the meeting. Rengold III (aka the psychopathic serial killer Faceless) was, as usual, vacant after his last escapade, Faceless had been sent to a supermaximum-security penitentiary code-named DragonTown, which had a rather stringent policy against inmate escapes.

system shock 2 meet delacroix

Directly across from him, Elena Vlatko filed her nails and sighed, as if the lateness of their host was nothing more than an inconvenience. Within the boardroom of the international United Robotronics headquarters, Victor stared around the table at the other UR shareholders. “It’s 10:37….he said he was going to be here half an hour ago…” Victor Vega glared at his watch, scowling.

System shock 2 meet delacroix